In a PBS documentary airing tonight, The Fish on My Plate, Paul Greenberg travels the world in search for seafood that is tasty and better for you, our oceans, and the planet. Greenberg, the author of American Catch: The Fight for Our Local Seafood and Four Fish: The Future of the Last Wild Food, is an expert on seafood and the documentary is bound to be interesting.
However, it seems as though the film will set up sustainable fish-eating as a matchup exclusively between farmed fish and wild-caught fish. And yet, Greenberg seems to concede that neither of these offers an ideal solution yet.
As Fast Company points out: "In a particularly striking scene in the film, Greenberg, making the rounds at the Seafood Expo of North America in Boston, starts up a conversation with a representative of the industry in China, who tells him that wild salmon caught in Alaska will be frozen whole, sent to China to be defrosted, deboned, and packaged through less costly labor, then re-frozen and sent back to America."
As for farm fishing, look no further than Norway, where sea lice are wreaking havoc on salmon populations.
If there are such significant issues with these two approaches, why should we be limited to them in an important documentary about the future of sustainable seafood? We should start thinking outside the box and bringing plant- and algae-based seafood like New Wave's into the mix.